Monday, November 30, 2015

Face Off!

This week our second graders faced off against our third graders in some review activities.  Points were awarded for winning challenges and it was a close match, but the team that came out on top was.... Third Grade!

The first challenge was a logic battle in a friendly game of Mastermind.  Student teams used clues to decode the other teams color pattern.  They really enjoy this game and can build skill at home using this website.

Next students put their close reading skills into action by finishing an article on DNA from last week. They created summaries and questions for the other team to answer.  Each correct response without consulting the text earned two points.  Each correct response found in the text earned one.  I was so impressed with their careful reading and recall!

Students also put in to action their questioning skills to guess the opposing team's mystery object in a 20 questions style game.

Second graders had some time to hone their Set skills and third grade spent their solo time reflecting on their accomplishments so far this year.

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