We are so happy for our second grade friends to join us! We spent today learning the ropes and introducing some ALERT staples: Morphic Thinking, the Nerds, Habits of Mind, and Renzulli Learning. We also were introduced to our year long theme of Systems.
Our new crew ready to stretch their minds and work out their brains!
We kicked off our Morphic Thinking morning routine where students warm-up with a spontaneous problem and boundary breaker. We will be including these weekly.
Spontaneous Problem: A s
pontaneous problem is a brainstorming type problem to be solved in a specific amount of time and scored according to the number and creativity of responses generated. The point is to challenge students to be flexible thinkers, to elaborate on original ideas and to think fluently and creatively about a specific topic.
Today's Spontaneous Problem: Name something hidden within something else.
Boundary Breaker:
A boundary breaker is a group experience which works toward creating a sense of community. Students gain an awareness of and respect for the opinion of others by the use of questions that go beyond superficial depth and have no right/wrong answers. Boundary Breakers also provoke a higher level of thought that merges cognitive and affective thinking.
Today's Boundary Breaker: What comes to mind when you think of ALERT?
We explored our creative side by discussing and demonstrating the four keys to creative thinking. We began by taking a simple figure, looking at it from various perspectives (
flexible thinking), brainstorming what it could become (
fluency of ideas), choosing the idea like no one else's (
originality), and filling in the details of our picture (
elaboration)! Our lesson was themed around our mascots of creativity the NERDS candies. These creative pieces became the covers of our ALERT binders reminding us to "think outside the box"!
A main focus for the day was looking into Art Costa's Habits of Mind. We discussed these strategies of successful people and discussed ways we do and will use them this year inside and outside our classroom.
Students completed their learner profiles on
Renzulli Learning, an online program we use that differentiates activities based on student's strengths, styles, and interests. They can log in and complete activities at home as well!
We wrapped up with a look at systems. Students learned the definition, the parts
(boundary, input, output, elements, & interactions), and examples of systems around us.
They had a nearly perfect team score in our systems Kahoot quiz!
Generalization for Systems:
- Systems have parts that work together to create a whole.
- Systems interact.
- Parts of systems are interdependent upon one another.
- A system may be influenced by another system.
It was a great first day! I am so excited to work with your student!