Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Jones Gap Field Study- 2nd Grade

We had a wonderful learning experience at Jones Gap!  Students explored the river and forest systems of the park.  They were able to use field guides for plant and animal identification, conduct several water quality tests, and understand the important interactions between the two habitats. Thanks to all our wonderfully behaved students and fantastic chaperons!
Testing turbidity.

Testing pH.

Testing temperature.



Macroinvertebrate hunting.

In the lab.

A Stonefly nymph shedding its exoskeleton.

Creating an adaptation for better hearing.

Forest ecology hike.

The whole crew!

Monday, April 18, 2016


Today students considered another factor that may be causing problems for fish in Gray Area.  With logging an active business in the area, some of the rivers were looking a little dirty.  Students used secchi disks to determine the clarity, or turbidity, of the water in the various lakes and rivers in the area.  They then examined the sediment files to understand the effects of erosion and high levels of sediments on the organisms living there.

Demonstration of plant material reducing runoff erosion.

We also did some work in our data unit for math and students examined and evaluated different graphs and tables for recording survey results.  They also created questions that could and could not be answered from these graphs.  As we continue with graphing, students will be discovering effective survey questions and techniques and create their own survey tool to collect, represent, and analyze their data.

We got to enjoy some sun and read Listening to Crickets as well as take some time to reflect for our end of the year evaluations.  Second graders prepared for their field study next week by looking at goals, expectation, and vocabulary for the trip!  Continue to practice our terms at this link!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Acid Rain Continued...

We've used our research skills to uncover the solution to our curious acid rain test results!  Although the rain over the entire Gray Area is acidic, only some of the waterways are unhealthy for fish due to pH.  Students found that part of the Gray Area has large amounts of limestone that neutralize the acid and make the water livable for fish.  They also discovered that the Gray area acid rain problem is largely cause by cars and trucks, clearing the Toy Factory as a prime suspect.  We also spent time discovering possible solutions to the acid rain problem.

Creativity was also a focus.  Students used originality and design thinking to develop a perfect hat to help our friends the Ats who are plagued by pesky gnats!  Take a look at some of their clever ideas!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Jones Gap Field Study

We had a wonderful learning experience at Jones Gap!  Students explored the river and forest systems of the park.  They were able to use field guides for plant and animal identification, conduct several water quality tests, and understand the important interactions between the two habitats. Thanks to all our wonderfully behaved students and fantastic chaperons!

Monday, April 4, 2016

Second Grade Sticks to It!

Today our second graders stepped up to the challenge of stretching their brains.  We went back to the basics and focused on having a growth mindset and persisting when faced with challenges.  We watched the saga of MoJo and his journey to understand his brain.  With each segment, students accomplished a brain stretching challenge of their own.  

First we did some brain research and each student was able to bring a new fact to share with the group.  Using the book, My Dog is as Smelly as Dirty Socks by Hanoch Pivens, we talked about similes and wrote our own to compare our brains to various objects.  The students used various objects and a lot of creativity to make self-portraits and describe themselves as learners using comparisons to the objects they chose.

 We also tried our hand at some pentamino puzzles, Rush Hour, and Set as well as some teasers from our brain stretcher packet.  I was impressed with the student's ideas for rewriting some common phrases that keep us from taking advantage of growing our brain.

It's good enough -----> I can do better!
I made a mistake ------> Now I know how NOT to do it!
I don't understand------> I can ask for help when things are hard.
I'm not good at this----> I can keep trying and get better.
I give up-----> I'll try it again!
This is too hard! --------> This is challenging!
Is it lunch yet? --------> I need some more energy for all my hard work.